Simple but fantastic way of learning financial concepts is by using Mind maps

What are mind maps ?

Learning financial concepts can be challenging for many people, but using mind maps can make the process easier and more effective. A mind map is a graphical representation of information that uses a central idea or concept, with lines and branches radiating out to show related ideas and concepts. This visual approach to organizing information can help you better understand and remember financial concepts.

As a result, it can help you understand how it fits into the larger context of your financial knowledge. And certainly, mind maps can be used as a preparation tool for CFA exams.

What are the advantages of using mind maps ?

One of the key benefits of using mind maps for learning financial concepts is that they allow you to see the big picture. By organizing information into a visual hierarchy, you can quickly identify the main ideas and their relationships to each other.

There are several advantages to using mind maps, including:

  1. They help to organize and structure information in a visual and intuitive way, making it easier to understand and remember.
  2. They allow you to see the relationships between different ideas and concepts. This can help you to make connections and see connections that you might not have noticed otherwise.
  3. They can be used to generate ideas and stimulate creativity. By starting with a central idea and branching out to related ideas, mind maps can help you to come up with new and creative solutions to problems.
  4. They are flexible and can be adapted to suit different learning styles and preferences. You can also use different colors, images, and symbols to personalize your mind map and make it more engaging and effective.
  5. They can be used in a variety of settings, including school, work, and personal projects. Mind maps can help you to plan and organize complex tasks, prepare for exams and presentations, and even manage your daily schedule.

Another advantage of mind maps is that they encourage active learning. When you create a mind map, you are actively engaging with the information. You are organizing it in a way that makes sense to you. This can help you retain the information more effectively than if you were simply reading or listening to a lecture.

Are there different types of Mind maps ?

Yes, there are different types of mind maps. The most common type of mind map is the radial mind map. Its uses a central concept or idea and branches out to show related ideas and concepts. This type of mind map is often used for brainstorming and idea generation. Also as for organizing and summarizing information.

Another type of mind map is the hierarchical mind map, which uses a top-down approach to organize information. This type of mind map starts with a main idea or concept at the top and branches out to show sub-ideas. Hierarchical mind maps are often used for outlining, planning, and goal setting.

Another type of mind map is the spider diagram, which uses a central concept and radiating lines. They are used to show the relationships between ideas and concepts. This type of mind map is often used for problem-solving and decision-making.

In addition to these types of mind maps, there are also many variations and hybrid mind map styles. They combine elements from different types of mind maps. Ultimately, the type of mind map you choose will after all depend on your specific needs and goals.

Using Mind maps – example

Here is one example of using mind maps for learning financial concepts. You can find full article about Demand Analysis by following link.

Mind maps as a preparation tool for CFA exams
Example of using Mind maps for learning financial concepts

Furthermore, mind maps can help you identify gaps in your understanding and pinpoint areas where you need to spend more time studying. By visually representing the relationships between different financial concepts, you can quickly see where you may need to review certain information. Or where you need to seek out for additional resources.

To create a mind map, start by writing the main financial concept in the center of a blank page. From there, use lines and branches to connect related ideas and concepts. You can include keywords, definitions, examples, and other relevant information on your mind map.

When it comes to studying financial concepts, mind mapping can be a valuable tool. It allows you to see the big picture, encourages active learning, and helps you identify gaps in your understanding. Give it a try and see how it can improve your financial knowledge.

Mind maps as a preparation tool for CFA exams ?

You may be wondering whether minds maps be useful for preparing for CFA exam ?

Certainly , mind maps can be useful for preparing for the CFA exam. The CFA exam covers a wide range of topics in finance, including ethics, economics, financial reporting and analysis, and portfolio management. A mind map can help you organize and understand the vast amount of information covered by the exam, allowing you to see the big picture and identify the key concepts and relationships.

By creating mind maps for each topic covered by the CFA exam, you can visually organize the information and see how the different concepts fit together. This can help you retain the information more effectively and identify areas where you need to focus your studying.

Additionally, mind maps can help you prepare for the exam by allowing you to create custom study guides that are tailored to your learning style and needs. You can include key terms, definitions, formulas, and examples on your mind map, making it a comprehensive study tool that covers all the important information you need to know for the exam.

Overall, mind maps can be a valuable tool for preparing for the CFA exam. They allow you to organize and understand the information in a way that is visual, interactive, and tailored to your learning style.

The most important deadlines for CIPM exam in 2023

CIPM or Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement is another certification program organized by CFA Institute. It consists of 2 exams offered 2 times per year, in March and September. You can register for the upcoming CIPM exam here. Please follow our blog for regular updates on the most important deadlines for CIPM exam in 2023.

Depending on when you enroll, the total cost can vary. For that reason, it is beneficial to enroll well in advance to get a discount. To demonstrate the financial benefits associated with early registrations we have prepared a detailed comparison of What is the cost of financial certification programs. There you can find information regarding financial benefits you can achieve by early registration for various financial certification programs.

CIPM exam deadlines 2023
CIPM exam deadlines in 2023.

Level I

March 2023

16 – 31 March 2023 EXAM WINDOW

01 September 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

30 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

31 January 2023 – Registration deadline

23 March 2023 – Exam schedule deadline 

September 2023

 EXAM WINDOW not yet available


Level II

March 2023

16 – 31 March 2023 EXAM WINDOW

01 September 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

30 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

31 January 2023 – Registration deadline

23 March 2023 – Exam schedule deadline 

September 2023

 EXAM WINDOW not yet available


The most important information – CMA exam deadlines in 2023

CMA® or Certified Management Accountant is a financial certification program consisting of 2 parts/exams. Each of the exams can be either taken remotely or in person at a Prometric Test Center. You can register for the upcoming CMA exam here. Below, you can find the most important information regarding the CMA exam deadlines in 2023.

Depending on when you enroll, the total cost can vary. For that reason, it is beneficial to enroll well in advance to get a discount. To demonstrate, the financial benefits associated with early registrations we have prepared a detailed comparison of What is the cost of financial certification programs. In similar fashion it is advisable to start learning as early as possible and devote enough time for preparation.

CMA exam deadlines in 2023

Part I


01 January – 28 February 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 February 2023 – Registration deadline

MAY / JUNE 2023

01 May – 30 June 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 June 2023 – Registration deadline


01 September – 31 October 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 October 2023 – Registration deadline

Part II


01 January – 28 February 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 February 2023 – Registration deadline

MAY/ JUNE 2023

01 May – 30 June 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 June 2023 – Registration deadline


01 September – 31 October 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 October 2023 – Registration deadline

The most important CFP exam deadlines in 2023

Testing for CFP® exam takes place three time per year, in March, July and November and it is organized in Prometric testing locations. You can register for the upcoming Certified Financial Planner exam here. Please follow our blog for regular updates on the most important CFP exam deadlines in 2023.

Depending on when you enroll, the total cost can vary. For that reason, it is beneficial to enroll well in advance to get a discount. To demonstrate the financial benefits associated with early registration, we have prepared a detailed comparison of What is the cost of financial certification programs. In similar fashion it is advisable to start learning as early as possible and devote enough time for preparation. Take practice exams and red tips on how to best prepare for the exam day.

CFP exam in 2023 - the most important deadlines
CFP exam deadlines in 2023

March 2023

07 – 14 March 2023 EXAM WINDOW

19 October 2022 – Open for registration

10 January 2023 – Early registration deadline

14 February 2023 – Education verification deadline

21 February 2023 – Registration deadline

July 2023

11 – 18 July 2023 EXAM WINDOW

15 February 2023 – Open for registration

20 June 2023 – Education verification deadline

November 2023

31 October – 07 November 2023 EXAM WINDOW

07 June 2023 – Early registration deadline

10 October 2023 – Education verification deadline

CFA schedule 2022/2023 – the most important deadlines

CFA® is a certification program consists of 3 exams. In order to advance to next Level, candidates need to pass previous Level exam. From 2021 are organized as CBT – computer based tests. CFA Level I is offered 4 times per year while Level II & Level III exams are offered 2 times per year. You can register for the upcoming CFA exam here. Below, you can find all the important information regarding CFA exams deadlines 2022 – 2023.

Depending on when you enroll, the total cost can vary. For that reason, it is beneficial to enroll well in advance to get a discount. To demonstrate, the financial benefits associated with early registrations we have prepared a detailed comparison of What is the cost of financial certification programs. Please follow our blog for regular updates on The most important deadlines CFA 2022 – 2023. In similar fashion it is advisable to start learning as early as possible and devote enough time for preparation. For that reason, we offer you the most comprehensive question base available with more than 6,000 question and exams structured in multiple ways. From topic-based, reading-based to real exam-like mock exams. Check our offer here

CFA schedule 2022/2023

CFA exams deadlines 2022 – 2023

Level I

November 2022

15 – 21 November 2022 EXAM DATE

01 February 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

03 May 2022 – Early registration deadline

09 August 2022 – Final registration deadline

17 August 2022 – Exam schedule deadline

15 October 2022 – Reschedule deadline

February 2023

14 – 20 February 2023 EXAM DATE

10 May 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

09 August 2022 – Early registration deadline

08 November 2022 – Final registration deadline

16 November 2022 – Exam schedule deadline

13 January 2023 – Reschedule deadline

May 2023

16 – 22 May 2023 EXAM DATE

09 August 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

02 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

31 January 2023 – Final registration deadline

15 Februray 2023 – Exam schedule deadline

14 April 2023 – Reschedule deadline

August 2023

22 – 28 August 2023 EXAM DATE

14 November 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

01 February 2023 – Early registration deadline

09 May 2023 – Final registration deadline

24 May 2023 – Exam schedule deadline

21 July 2023 – Reschedule deadline

Level II

November 2022

22 – 26 November 2022 EXAM DATE

01 February 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

03 May 2022 – Early registration deadline

09 August 2022 – Final registration deadline

17 August 2022 – Exam schedule deadline

22 October 2022 – Reschedule deadline

May 2023

23 – 27 May 2023 EXAM DATE

09 August 2022  – Open for registration and schedule an exam

02 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

31 January 2023 – Final registration deadline

15 Februray 2023 – Exam schedule deadline

21 April 2023 – Reschedule deadline

August 2023

29 August – 02 September 2023 EXAM DATE

14 November 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

01 February 2023 – Early registration deadline

09 May 2023 – Final registration deadline

24 May 2023 – Exam schedule deadline

28 July 2023 – Reschedule deadline

Level III

February 2023

21 – 23 February 2023 EXAM DATE

10 May 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

09 August 2022 – Early registration deadline

08 November 2022 – Final registration deadline

16 November 2022 – Exam schedule deadline

20 January 2023 – Reschedule deadline

August 2023

29 August – 05 September 2023 EXAM DATE

14 November 2022 – Open for registration and schedule an exam

01 February 2023 – Early registration deadline

09 May 2023 – Final registration deadline

24 May 2023 – Exam schedule deadline

28 July 2023 – Reschedule deadline

CAIA exam 2023 – the most important deadlines

CAIA® or chartered alternative investment analyst is a financial certification program with growing popularity. Both exams are offered 2 times per year. They are held at the test centers around the world. You can register for the upcoming CAIA exam here. Please follow our blog for regular updates on the most important deadlines for CAIA exam in 2023.

Depending on when you enroll, the total cost can vary. For that reason, it is beneficial to enroll well in advance to get a discount. To demonstrate the financial benefits associated with early registrations we have prepared a detailed comparison of What is the cost of financial certification programs. There you can find information regarding financial benefits you can achieve by early registration for various financial certification programs.

CAIA exam 2023 - the most important deadlines
CAIA exam deadlines

Level I

March 2023

6 -17 March 2023 EXAM WINDOW

03 October 2022 – Open for registration

14 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

06 February 2023 – Registration close

September 2023

04 – 15 September 2023 EXAM WINDOW

10 April 2023 – Open for registration

10 June 2023- Early registration deadline

14 August 2023 – Registration close

Level II

March 2023

20 – 31 March 2023 EXAM WINDOW

03 October 2022 – Open for registration

14 November 2022 – Early registration deadline

06 February 2023 – Registration close

September 2023

18 – 29 September 2023 EXAM WINDOW

10 April 2023 – Open for registration

10 June 2023- Early registration deadline

14 August 2023 – Registration close