CFA Program Exam Level I

Our CFA exam preparation program provides a valuable supplement to the core curriculum and enabling your progress through the CFA exam levels. You will gain access to
CFA Level I:

  • 6000+ Practice Questions 
  • 10 Mock Exams
  • 10 Topic-based Practice Exams
  • 73 Learning Module Practice Exams

Features of our CFA Level I practice programme

CFA exam preparation programme contains practice questions and mock exams for executives, employees and individuals.

A chartered financial analyst (CFA) is a globally-recognized professional designation given by the CFA Institute,  measuring and certifying the competence and integrity of financial analysts.

CFA Level I Practice Questions

CFA Level I Practice Questions

We provide a database with more than 6000 practice questions for the CFA Level I exam, covering all CFA Level I topics and Learning Modules.

10 Topic-based Practice Exams

When you feel you need further practice in certain topics, you can take a specialised exams, using only the questions from that topic.

10 Mock Exams

We created by hand 10 Mock Exams, weighted by topics. The Mock Exams include 1800 questions in total and each Mock Exam uses the exact timing of the actual Exam.                

73 Learning Module Practice Exams

If a specific Learning Module is giving you a hard time, practice using our specialized and randomized practice exams.

Don’t jump in blindly!

We offer a free sample of what you can expect from our course, providing you with one Mock Exam and one Learning Module Exam with Practice Questions.

Practice with our database of 6000+ questions

Our question database is based on the latest CFA curriculum, which ensures all Topics, Learning Modules and LOSs are covered. We are focused on presenting the most commonly used questions at the CFA Level I exam, to make sure our course participants retain a high pass rate.

10 Mock Exams

We created 10 unique Mock Exams using the latest CFA Level I weights (2023). While taking a Mock Exam, there is no possibility to pause, which is to ensure that the experience is as close to the real exam as possible. The only break is between the morning and the afternoon sessions.

Additional Exams based on Topics and Learning Modules

In addition to our unique Mock Exams, when choosing the Examary Pro package, our course participants get access to 10 separate Exams based on the CFA Level I Topics and 73 individual Exams covering each of the CFA Level I Learning Modules. This is a highly sought-after feature that enables our course participants to focus solely on Topics and Learning Modules with which they have the most trouble.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or see our offers.